Visy Plastics
Leading the plastics industry with Australia's first food grade recycled plastics facility
We are a global leader in recycled PET (rPET) and recycled HDPE (rHDPE) production and packaging. We take 92,000 tonnes of plastics each year and make approximately two billion plastic containers and preforms. Download our Better plastic for a better world brochure to find out more.
Our unmatched scale and capability with proven expertise and state-of-the-art facilities guarantees supply. Our nine plastic manufacturing sites includes Australia's first and largest food-grade recycled plastics facility in Smithfield, New South Wales. Our expertise and infrastructure has allowed us to manufacture 100% rPET bottles and Australia's first 50% recycled plastic milk bottle. An independent comparative lifecycle analysis shows Visy’s recycled plastic slashes water and greenhouse gas emissions by nearly two thirds. For more information, please contact sustainability@visy.com.
Plastic packaging for all industries
Customers trust our recycled plastics for everything from food products and dairy to pharmaceutical and personal care products. Our high-quality injection moulded plastics for the dairy industry, includes everything from bottles and cups to tubs, scoops and jars.
A recycled plastic packaging leader
We're making our plastics more sustainable. Our aim to increase the amount of recycled plastic in new packaging led us to create Australia's first 100% recycled water bottle. A comparative lifecycle analysis shows significant greenhouse gas emissions savings for both rPET and rHDPE.
Today, our food-grade rPET and rHDPE can be made into a range of new plastic packaging. The Re+ logo, which can be added to eligible plastic packaging, allows you to showcase your commitment to sustainable packaging.
As a recognised leader in global best practice food safety processes, we manufacture food packaging to a defined standard based on HACCP principles. Our food plastics meet stringent food safety standards, including the Australian and New Zealand Food Standards Code (2018), and set by the European Food Safety Authority and United States Food and Drug Administration. View our current certifications.
Plastics highlights
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